Coinify Review – All You Need To Know

featured image for Coininfy review

Last Updated: 3rd October 2021.

In today’s Coinify review, you will learn all you need to know about the platform.

I promise you won’t have to reread another Coinify review after this because I will break it down into the last possible pieces.

It is potentially promising that crypto is the payment gateway to the future and the chances of this possibility are on the high side.

I don’t think there is a second to it when writing this article, and that is because the majority trusts it.

Individuals still find it very difficult to tap into it because it can be tricky at times.

It might be the reason why you are looking for a Coinify review.

Either you want to sell about the merchant’s section, the individual, or its features, you have come to the right place.

Let us dive in!

What is Coinify?

Coinify is an innovative cryptos business platform that creates an avenue for buyers and sellers to meet and trade virtual cryptocurrencies in a safe environment. It was launched in the year 2010.

The company then got incorporated in 2014 and backed up by trustworthy companies, like SEED capital Denmark, Nordic Eye Venture Capital, and Accelerace.

The primary mission of the Coinify platform is to mainstream the uses of virtual currencies.

Thus, helping businesses and individuals succeed in adopting the innovative digital currency that is taking over.

Coinify homepage for coinify review

The team behind this platform has a solid traditional background in finance, e-commerce, risk-bearing, payments, etc.

Coinify platform offers corporate brokerage, individual currency trading, payment services processing, and enterprises payments solution via Coinify API.

The Coinify platform has been well established, but the most widely adopted countries using Coinify solutions now are Europe, Asia, and other world regions.

Because of its excellent services, the company has then received so many industry-recognized awards. 

Awards like:

  • Diversity Award
  • Top 100 Best Fintech Award In Europe
  • Nordic start-up award
  • Best Fintech start-up Denmark 2017.

And so many others as published on their official website.

The Coinify platform is divided into 2, which are 

  • Business and 
  • Individual

Let us take it one by one.


The Coinify business section aims to help businesses and organizations to receive cryptocurrency payments in both online and bricks and the mortal world at no additional cost.

It is made possible by using an advanced technology called Coinify API.

Coinify home-page-2

So in a simple world, it means you can adopt the platform to receive virtual currencies in bricks and mortar world at no additional cost to you.

Some of the features or benefits that this has or that you stand to gain for adopting the platform are as follows.

#1: Coinify Payments Solution

Coinify helps businesses, retail stores, PSPs in both bricks and mortar worlds to receive payments in virtual currencies.

You will be able to get all the payments received by the Coinify team that your preferred traditional currency at no additional cost to you.

You stand to make more sales both online and offline because virtual currency is being adopted by many.

Many people also prefer to save their money in this virtual currency than the traditional payments system.

That is because by saving your money in a very stable virtual currency, it can grow overnight just for keeping it in your wallet.

It can also help you as a business to expand your payments method portfolio, which is excellent.

It is also:

  • Secure
  • Flexible
  • Comprehensive

#2: Coinify Deposits

It means your customers will be able to make deposits in virtual currency like Bitcoin, USDT, and the likes.

Your customers will be able to load their e-wallet and their various prepaid cards with different altcoin options.

It is at no additional cost at your end because the platform handles both the deposit and conversions into your preferred currency.

This will enable you to run your business as usual while the entire Coinify team does the work for you.

It won’t only provide more ways to receive payments, but it will also make you sell more since most people have these virtual currencies available on their various wallets.

The most exciting part is that it can be done any day, anytime, anywhere in the world.

It is also

  • Flexible
  • Reliable
  • Intuitive.

#3: Coinify Withdrawals

It is an exclusive deal that will allow your customers to withdraw in the Bitcoin option on your website.

The type of websites that do uses this feature a lot are Forex, Betting sites, etc.

All the payments paid to your customers when they withdraw in Bitcoin will be debited from your merchants’ accounts.

The most exciting part of this feature is that the Coinify team offers all the heavy lifting between the currency conversion, which makes it stress-free from your end.

All the funds and withdrawals of the transactions are completed in full made seamless through the Coinify API.

It is also:

  • Simple
  • Cost-Efficient
  • Flexible

#4: Coinify Wallet

The Coinify wallet partner solutions will allow you to integrate a customized API within your website or APP with just a few clicks.

The way Coinify wallet work is that.

You need to sign up for Coinify wallet partner solutions and integrate API within your website.

After you have integrated it, your clients will buy and sell various virtual currencies within your website or App.

The trading wallet partner covers a wide range of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), and stellar lumens (XLM).

It also still has impressive features for businesses like that. Like:

  • Trade Solution
  • Invoices

You can learn more from the official website.


The individual section of the platform is meant for those who want to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

By signing up for the individual account within a few minutes, you will be able to buy and sell cryptos, and the signup process is straightforward.

Coininfy individual section for coinify review

If you can create a Facebook account, I believe you can do this also.

It offers a wide range of Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin SV (BSV), and the likes.

And there is no fantastic stuff I think you should know here than the everyday things a wallet provider solution does have.

Coinify Charges

The Coinify fees differ, and the charges vary from individual and the type of transaction performed.

And as a result of that, I have taken quality time to write about Coinify charges and trading fees.

Using the article, you will learn how its fees work and other related charges the system does have. 

And you won’t have to bother looking elsewhere about it fee again.

You can check the article here to learn about its fees.

Coinify Review- Pros And Cons

We will use this section to cover the pros and cons of the Coinify platform.

By learning about it pro and cons, you will be able to make an informed decision as you are starting out with the platform.

Let us start.

Pros Of Coinify

#1: Suite For Merchants

The platform is really suitable for the merchant because of it so amazing features it has in store.

By using the Coinify platform, your business can gain more engagements and that can really result in more sales.

When your business starts getting more sales that will also sky-rocket your business income.

The most exciting part I have seen about this is that you don’t need to provide more space in your office to get it done.

You don’t need to change the way you run your business.

All the heavy tasks will be done for you by the entire team of Coinify.

Let them do the work while you grow in more expansion, revenue, and global recognition.

#2: Powerful APIs

Coinify has so many powerful APIs that can get things done within the shortest time possible.

With a click of integration of this API, a business can really transform than its usual way which is amazing.

The API doesn’t just fall in one category but really covers so many business needs that you don’t want to miss.

With the API, you can also launch cryptocurrency business within your site or App.

It means your existing customers will be able to buy and sell cryptos with your site without you having to cold heaven on earth.

All will be done with the help of API.

The API can also be used to make a withdrawal of Bitcoin available within your site. The team does the heavy lifting while you keep your business running smoothly.

What could be more interesting than that?

Nothing men.

#3: Affordable Charges

The charges charged by the platform are a very competitive one and that set it aside from its competitors.

And I personally love the charges of the platform.

The reason is that every entrepreneur should always be on the winning side and not the other way round.

By using a platform that charges you a lot of fees on every transaction processed by them.

That can really add up in a long run and affect your business turnover.

The charges are really a big advantage you should consider and you can learn about its fees here.

#4: Easy Interface

Here comes another exciting feature about the platform and that is its easy interface.

You can easily play around and navigate through the platform and it is very well organized which I love.

The home page of the platform is well divided so you don’t start asking yourself which is this and which is that.

With this platform, you don’t have to worry about navigating around the site because by playing around it within 10 minutes you should understand how everything works.

In a world, it is cool and beginner-friendly.

#5: Bridge Between Virtual And Traditional Currency.

The platform provides very heavy lifting between the innovated coins and the traditional currency which I consider really great.

It also helps individual who wants to get into crypto but doesn’t know-how.

It supports businesses to be more dominant in a more functional way while expanding their payment gateways.

So we can easily say that it connects businesses and customers together in a very easy way.

Cons Of Coinify

#1: Low Coin Selection

The only downside of this platform that I have personally seen is the fact that it has a very low selection of coins.

This might actually be a drawback for some users and businesses.

Especially those who are looking to tap into today’s altcoin.

It may really be a bad idea for them.

However, it should not if you want your business to be selective or use the most widely accepted coins.

Coinify Review – Who Is It For?

The Coinify platform is both business and individual.

Individual who wants to expand there payments methods and builds more customer data-base can adopt the platform.

Your business can never go wrong with its excellent API integration into various forms you want it to be.

Your business will function better by adopting into your business, but it will also expand your global reach.

The exciting part is that the Coinify team handles all the heavy work while running your business the way you used to.

It means that you don’t have to stress yourself doing anything, yet you will be making more money.

And for individuals who want to buy and sell cryptos into a simple form without any stress. It is also the best idea for you.

You can only buy cryptos, but you can also save the cryptocurrencies within the platform, and it is very secure.

Get started with Coinify.


The company platform is trying its best to bring the innovated digital currencies to the fingertips of individuals and businesses.

Its outstanding features make a secure environment for everyone to use, which is excellent.

I recommend the platform because it is excellent, and it is also simpler than WhiteBit, which is its competitor.

With that, we have come to the end of this Coinify Review article.

Are you ready to give Coinify a trial?

What did you think about the platform?

Or you want to have a question about this Coinify Review article, do let me know in the comment section below.

If you find the Coinify review helpful, do consider sharing it on your social media accounts.

Thank you.

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